Ted Smith Aircraft Co. subsidiary of American Cement Corp., formed 1963 at Van Nuys, CA, to build Aerostar 6-seat twin (7 November 1966). Deliveries began August 1968. Assets acquired by Butler Aviation International 16 February 1970, all operations subsequently suspended. In 1972 Ted R. Smith and Associates formed and re-acquired from Butler all existing airframe parts, enabling production to continue. In 1973 name changed to Ted Smith Aerostar Corp., producing larger Aerostar 700 (22 November 1972) and developing Model 4000 Turbofan Aerostar. On 24 March 1978 all assets and business transferred to Piper at latter’s Santa Maria, CA, Division, increasing production of Aerostar 600/601/601TP. Piper terminated programme 1985.

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