Other designations or related variants include— 66, 66-400, 66-600, 68, 69, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 88, 92, 94, 94R, 95, 95M, 96, F-7, F-7M, FT-7, I-500, J-7, JJ-7, MiG-21-SM, MiG-21bis, MiG-21bisT, MiG-21DPD, MiG-21F, MiG-21F-13, MiG-21FL, MiG-21I, MiG-21L, MiG-21M, MiG-21MF, MiG-21PF, MiG-21PF-2, MiG-21PF-SPS, MiG-21PFM, MiG-21PFMA, MG-21PFS, MiG-21PFV, MIG-21R, MiG-21RF, MiG-21S, MiG-21Sh, MiG-21Sht, MiG-21SM, MIG-21SMT, MiG-21U, MiG-21UM, MiG-21US, MiG-21-93, Ye-2, Ye-2A, Ye-4, Ye-5, Ye-6, Ye-6T, Ye-6U, Ye-6UM, Ye-6US, Ye-6V, Ye-6W, Ye-7, Ye-7M, Ye-7R, Ye-7SPS, Ye-8, Ye-9, Ye-33, Ye-50, Ye-50A, Ye-66, Ye-66A, Ye-66B, Ye-76.
Production/Prototype Quantities—Well over 7,500 produced by both Soviet and non-Soviet production facilities. W/the exception of aircraft being manufactured in China, production now has ended.
Cockpit—Though small, the cockpit of the MiG-21 generally is considered suitable for a fighter and is pressurized and air-conditioned. Controls are conventional stick and rudder w/push-pull rods delivering pilot inputs to hydraulics. Tail control surface rods are in dorsal spine and others are routed through fuselage channels. An artificial feel system provides input to stick and rudder pedals for pilot reference. There is a single SK-type ejection seat (SKM in MiG-21 trainers) capable—in late model aircraft—of zero-zero ejection and safe egress at low supersonic velocities. Early models were limited to heights above 353 ft. (110 m.) and airspeeds below 683 mph (1,100 km/h). The seat was equipped w/an approx. 1 in. (25 mm.) thick steel armor plate aft of the headrest. Additional armor plating in the form of thick panel sections on structural frames 6 and 11 also was provided. Panel accouterments are conventional and all round-dial instrumentation is analogue. The ASP-5ND automatic optical gun sight is integrated w/the SRD-5M ranging unit and is mounted above the instrument panel combing. Side consoles support miscellaneous switches, radios, circuit breaker panels, etc. Throttle quadrant is mounted per standard practice on the left console. The canopy, which is pneumatically sealed when closed, is a conventional bubble unit of blown acrylic and is pneumatically opened and closed on forward-hinged models. Early model aircraft had single-piece units which combined the windscreen (of 2.44 in. [62 mm.] thick three-ply armored glass) w/the overhead canopy and were hinged at the front and opened vertically, accordingly. Second generation aircraft had side-hinged (to the right) central canopies w/conventional fixed windscreens. In either version, windscreen deicing was accommodated via an alcohol spray w/antifreeze additives. In early aircraft, the canopy served as a temporary wind blast protector during the ejection process and came off w/the ejection seat. A sequencing system permitted pre-ejection of the canopy moments before the seat left the aircraft and to accommodate particularly tall pilots, a pin on top of the seat assured adequate canopy clearance w/the older systems and their canopy blast protection arrangement. A gaseous oxygen system is provided the pilot w/the supply bottles located in the wing root area. Miscellaneous communications equipment and instrumentation included a UKF R-802 radio, an ARK-10 automatic radio compass, an RW-UM (RW-3) low-altitude altimeter, an SRO-2, an MRP-56P, an SOD-67 active response unit, a KUSI-2500K airspeed indicator, a Machmeter, a KSI compass, an AGO-1 artificial horizon, and a KAP-2K autopilot (AP-155 on second-generation and later aircraft). Second generation MiG-21s such as the MiG-21PFM are equipped w/the KM-1 ejection seat which makes it possible to eject at speeds of from 81 mph to 746 mph (130 km/h to 1,200 km/h) at altitudes of from 0 ft. to 80,208 ft. (0 m. to 25,000 m.). These aircraft also are equipped w/a PKI (ASP-PF) gunsight.
Fuselage—(Using the MIG-21F-13 as the generic example) Fuselage is of conventional semi-monococque construction w/generally circular cross section and minimal frontal area. Intake ducting runs from nose through bifurcation around cockpit and aft to relatively small plenum in front of engine compressor face. Intake bifurcation serves as mounting point for hydraulically-actuated variable-position spike which also serves as mount for radar in all radar-equipped MiG-21 variants. Size of intake and associated spike varies from model to model. Front and rear sections are divided by disassembly joint at frame no. 28 which allows engine maintenance and removal access. Front section has load-bearing frames at stations 2, 6, 11, 13, 16, 16a, 20, 22, 25, and 28. Conventional longerons and some stringers serve lo attach skin to framework. D-16, W-95, ML5T4, and AK-4-1 aluminum alloys and WM-65-1 magnesium alloy materials are used throughout the fuselage and other aircraft parts, along w/30KhGSA and 30KhGSNA steel used at high load bearing points. Rear section has load-bearing frames at stations 28a, 34, 35a, and 36 and utilizes primarily .047 in. (1.2 mm.) thick D-16ATM aluminum alloy skin (in other parts of the fuselage, the skin thickness increases to as much as .137 in. [3.5 mm.]). On the fuselage just below the area occupied by the wing leading edge root section, are a pair of hydraulically actuated (to 40o ext. angle) airbrakes, these having an area of 5.05 ft.2 (0.47 m.2) ea.
Second-generation aircraft such as the MiG-21PFM have basically similar fuselage construction w/the exception of the forward fuselage section which has undergone changes as a result of the addition of the large search-and-track Sapfir radar housed in the intake spike. Fuselage length of these variants has been increased to 39 ft. 5 in. (12.29 m.). The intake cone is made of dielectric material w/a thickness of .55 in. (14 mm.). The spike moves out a total of 31.5 in. (80 cm.) to permit radar maintenance. Radar cooling is accommodated bv bleeding air from the intake up to speeds of Mach 1.35. In these later aircraft, the pilot boom (PVD-5) was moved from the lower intake lip area to the upper. 
Lining and Control Surfaces—(Using MiG-21F-13 as the generic example) Wing is of the mid-mounted cropped delta type. The wing has three spars w/the front spar located at 33% of chord. The leading edge section is formed by 26 ribs mounted at 90o to the leading edge sweep angle which is 57o. Straight trailing edge w/no sweep. Airfoil is essentially of the TsAGI S-12 series and has a thickness/chord ratio of 4.2% at the root and 5% at the tip. The mean aerodynamic chord is 234.6 in. (5,970 mm.) at the fuselage centerline and 157.3 in. (4,002 mm.) at the wing root. Incidence angle is 0o and there are 2o of anhedral built-in. Basic construction materials include D16-T, V-95, ML5-T4 and VM-65 aluminum alloys and 30KhGSA steel alloy. Wing skin, which is punctured w/some 20 screw-attached maintenance access hatches, vary in thickness from .059 in. to .098 in. (1.5 mm. to 2.5 mm.). Area inside wing box assembly formed by spars is chemically milled for stress distribution and optimum weight reduction. Varying number of root attachment fittings depending on model, but max. thought to be eight at five different fuselage stations. Underwing pylons attached at ribs 13 and 15. Rib 19 provides support for ground transport and has special load-bearing attachment points. Aileron push-pull rods mounted ahead of front spar and mechanically attached to BU-45 hydraulic actuators move ailerons upon pilot command via rams and mechanical linkages. Aileron area is 4.74 ft.2 (0.44 m.2) and deflection angle is up 20o or down 20o. Each two-position (24.5o for takeoff and 44.5o for landing) hydraulically-actuated flap has an area of 10.06 ft.2 (0.935 m.2). A single wing fence is provided each wing at a point 26.33 in. (670 mm.) in from the wing tip. Wing aspect ratio is 2.22.
  The horizontal and vertical tail surfaces are of conventional aluminum construction w/flush riveted skin. The hydraulically-actuated stabilators are of the slab-type w/a TsAGI-developed A6A airfoil section and a thickness/chord ratio of 6%. Anti-flutter mass balances are mounted on each surface's tip and extend ahead of the leading edge. Stabilator leading edge sweep angle is 55o, incidence is 0o, dihedral is 0o, span is 11 ft. 3 in. (3.552 m.) and total area (movable surface) is 95.79 ft.2 (8.9 m.2). Stabilator deflection angles are 7.5o up and 16.5o down. The vertical fin and rudder have a TsAGI-developed S-11 airfoil w/a thickness/chord ratio of 6% and a leading edge sweep angle of 60o. The vertical tail has a leading edge sweep angle of 60o and the aluminum skin utilized is .047 In. (1.2 mm.) thick near the leading edge and .031 in. (.8 mm.) thick on the rest of the structure. Total vertical tail surface area is 40.9 ft.2 (3.8 m.2) for the MIG-21F-13, 43.9 ft.2 (4.08 m.2) for the MIG-21F, and (5.32 m.2) for the MiG-21PFM). The hydraulically-boosted 10.39 ft.2 (.965 m.2) rudder has skin .0314 in. (.8 mm.) thick and is hinged at 3 points. Rudder deflection angle is 25o to either side. There also is a ventral fin on all MiG-21 models for improved directional stability at high a.o.a On the MiG-21F-13 it has a maximum vertical dimension of approx. 13.72 in. (352 mm.) and a leading edge component of dielectric material to accommodate a telemetry antenna. Size of the ventral fin on other MiG-21 models varies. As noted elsewhere in this site, second generation MiG-21s such as the MiG-21PFM, were equipped w/blown flaps (SPS system for sduv pogranichnogo sloya or "suction method of boundary layer control"). Flap surface area on these aircraft was 9.9 ft.2 (.92 m.2) and settings included 25o for takeoff and 15o for landing.
Landing Gear—(Using MIG-21F-13 as the generic example) Tricycle configuration w/main gear retracting inward toward wing centerline into wells located between space between the front and main wing spars. As the main gear retracts upwards and slightly forwards, the wheel and axle assemblies stay perpendicular to the wing line and slide near vertically (87o) into their respective fuselage-positioned wheel wells. Nose gear retracts forward into well mounted in tunnel bifurcation space. Retraction and extension are hydraulically-actuated. Basically levered suspension design integrated w/oleo. Main gear tires on the MiG-21F-13 (and presumably most other variants) are 25.93 in. x 7.66 in. (660 mm. x 200 mm.) and nose gear tire is 19.65 x 7.07 in. (500 mm. x 180 mm). Landing lights are attached to hinges aft of gear wells and extend and retract w/gear actuation. Wheel track is 8 ft. 7 in. (2.692 m.) and wheel base is 15 ft. 5 in. (4.810 m.). Multi-pad disc brakes are of the anti-skid type and are integral w/the wheel assemblies. Free-castoring nosewheel is steered through differential braking. Brakes are pneumatically actuated. A pneumatically released drag chute is provided in a ventral empennage compartment on the left side of the ventral fin. The drag chute has an area of 172.2 ft.2 (16 m.2). The electrical system is an inverter and AC subsystem dependent upon two silver and zinc batteries for primary power. Power is 115-volt single-phase at 400 Hz and 36-vott three-phase also at 400 Hz. Electrical power provides deicing where appropriate. Landing gear for the MiG-21PFM differs in that the main gear tire dia. was increased to 31.44 in. (800 mm.), the main gear tread is 8 ft. 10 in. (2.787 m.). and the main gear track is 15 ft. 1 in. (4.710 m.). Also, on aircraft such as the MiG-21PFM, the drag chute compartment for the PT-21 UK drag chute was moved to the base of the vertical fin and the area of the front airbrakes was increased to 9.52 ft.2 (.884 m.2). 
Miscellaneous Equipment—The M1G-21F-13 is equipped w/two totally independent 3.000 lb./in.2 (210 kg./cm.2) hydraulic systems powered by a variable displacement pump on the engine accessory gearbox which is, in turn, power takeoff unit from the main compressor. A pneumatic system is provided w/a redundant emergency back-up. Blade and rod antennas have been provided for communications radios and electronic warfare systems. An RSIU UHF radio (w/vertical tail antennas); an SRO-2 or SRO-2M IFF (w/vertical tail or nose antennas); (on late model MiG-21s) an SO-69 radar warning receiver (w/fin tip antennas); and various types of radar. AFA-39 photographic equipment can be accommodated by the MiG-21F-l3 and other MiG-21 variants, as well. The MiG-21PF is equipped w/the RP-21M Sapfir radar. Late model MiG-21s such as the MIG-21PFM are updated w/Chrom-Nikiel IFF and are equipped w/improved models of the RP-21M radar. The MiG-21R and MiG-21RF are capable of carrying a reconnaissance pod containing both optical and radar image generation systems.
Radar types utilized by the various MiG-21 models include NATO Spin Scan A/B w/pulse search and track capability; NATO High Fix w/range finding only capability; and NATO Jay Bird w/pulse search and track capability. Their respective applications are as follows:
  •  R1L/NATO Spin Scan A/B—Ye-7; Ye-7SPS; Ye-76; M1G-21M; MIG-21PF; MiG-21PFM; MiG-21PFS; MiG-21R.
  •  R2L/NATO High Fix—Ye-9: MiG-21FL.
  •  NATO High Fix—Ye-6T; MiG-21F; MIG-21F-13.
  •  NATO Jay Bird— MIG-21M; M1G-21MF; M1G-21R; MIG-21RF; MiG-21SMT; MiG-21bis.
  •  T.266—(Chinese). 


Powerplant/Fuel—Variable-position intake spike moves forward and back via hydro-mechanical actuator and serves to control intake shockwave and thus to slow air to subsonic velocities for powerplant use. During most normal flying the spike remains in its retracted position but at Mach 1.5 and above it begins to translate forward to what generally is referred to as an intermediate position. As speed increases, this translation continues to Mach 1.9 at which point the spike is fully forward Control is via sensors that determine temperature, air density, and powerplant requirements. Intake dump doors are mounted on either side of the forward fuselage to accommodate intake pressure requirements. Conversely, auxiliary intake doors to increase airflow during taxi and at low speeds are mounted on the fuselage just below the wing leading edges. W/virtually all production MiG-21s, triangular box formed by front and main spar assemblies serves as mounting point for two root section fuel tanks (one in each wing inboard section). The MiG-21F- 13 has two primary wing tanks and two secondary wing tanks of 46.2 gal. and 29 gal. (175 lit. and 110 lit.) ea. Six additional bladder-type fuel tanks are contained in the fuselage and have respective capacities of 62 gal. (235 lit.), 190.15 gal. (720 lit.; divided between a 174.3 gal [660 lit.] unit and a 15.8 gal. [60 lit.] unit). 70gal. (265 lit.), 52.8 gal. (200 lit.), and 63.3 gal. (240 lit.). MIG-21F-13 total capacity thus is 652.3 gal. (2,470 lit.) of which 618.2 gal. (2,340 lit.) is usable in consideration of c.g. limits. A 129 gal. (490 lit.) centerline fuel tank normally is carried and can be flown at supersonic speeds. The centerline pylon for the external lank has indentations on either side to accommodate main landing gear retraction clearances. With second-generation aircraft such as the MIG-21PFM, a dorsal fuel tank was added in the form of a large bulge just aft of the canopy. Total fuel capacity of the MiG-21PF was 734.4 gal. (2.780 lit.); total fuel capacity for the MiG-21U was 612.8 gal. (2,320 kg.); total fuel capacity for the MiG-21MF was 709.3 gal. (2,685 kg.); total fuel capacity for the MiG-21bis was 762 gal. (2,885 lit.). The MiG-21MF and MiG-21bis also were capable of carrying aux. wing tanks, thus allowing an additional 470.2 gal. (1.780 lit.) of fuel. Most second and later generation MiG-21s could be equipped w/two SPRD-99 RATO units providing 5.508 lb. (2.498 kg.) th. ea. for approximately 5 sec. during takeoff.


Engine types utilized include—Ye-2: 7,165 lb. (3,250 kg.) th. Mikulin RD-9 (AM-9): Ye-2A: 13.779 lb. (6,250 kg.) th. Mikulin RD-11 (AM-11): Ye-4: 8,377 lb. (3.800 kg.) th. Mikulin RD-9I (AM-9) and later, 8.907 lb. (4,040 kg.) th. (also S-155 rocket): Ye-5 and Ye-4/2: 11.243 lb. (5.100 kg.) th. Mikulin RD-11 (AM-11); Ye-6: 12.676 lb. (5,750 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F-300; Ye-6T: 12.676 lb. (5,750 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F-300; Ye-6U: 12,676 lb. (5,750 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F-300; Ye-7: 13.669 lb. (6,200 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2-300; Ye-33: 12,676 lb. (5,750 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F-300; Ye-50: 18,739 lb./6,614 lb. (8.500 kg./3,000 kg.) th. Mikulin TRD-9E (jet plus S-155 rocket) and later AM-11F. Ye-50A 11,243 lb./6,614 lb. (5.100 kg/3.000 kg.) Tumansky R-11S (AM-11F plus S-155 rocket) ten built; Ye-60: 12,676 lb./6,614 lb. (5,750 kg/3.000 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F-300 (plus S-155 rocket); Ye-66: 13,117 lb. (5,950 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2S-300; Ye-66A: 13,669 lb./6.614 lb. (6.200 kg./3,000 kg.) Tumansky R-11F2S-300 (plus U-2 rocket); Ye-66B: 13,669 lb./2 x 5.071 lb. (6.200 kg./2 x 2,300 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2S-300 (2 x TTPD rockets); Ye-76: 13,669 lb. (6,200 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2S-300; MiG-21DPD: 13.669 lb. (6,200 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2S-300; MiG-21FL: 13,117 lb. (5.950 kg.) Tumansky R-11F2-300: MiG-21M: 13.669 lb. (6.200 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2S-300; MiG-21MF: 14,550 lb. (6.600 kg.) th. Tumansky R-13-300; MiG-21PF-2: 13,669 lb. (6.200 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2-300; MiG-21PFM: 13.669 lb. (6,200 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2S-300; MiG-21PFS: 13.669 lb. (6,200 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2S-300; MiG-21bis: 16.755 lb. (7,600 kg.) th. R-25-300; MiG-21R: 13.669 lb. (6,200 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2S-300; MIG-21RF: 14,550 lb. (6.600 kg.) th. Tumansky R-13-300: MiG-21SM: 16,755 lb. (7,600 kg.) th. Tumansky R-13F-300 or 13,669 lb. (6,200 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2S-300; MIG-21SMT: 16,755 lb. (7.600 kg.) th. Tumansky R-25-300; MIG-21U: 13.669 lb. (6,200 kg.) th. Tumansky R-11F2S-300; MIG-21UM: 14,550 lb. (6,600 kg.) th. Tumansky R-13-300.
Armament—Normal gun complement of the MiG-21F-13 was a single NR-30 30 mm. cannon mounted internally on the right side of the fuselage and visible in the form of a faired bulge. Ammunition was carried in a forward fuselage ammo bay and loaded through a door next to the wing root. A total of 75 rds. could be carried but 60 was normal (early single-gun configurations apparently were limited to 30 rds.). The gun was pneumatically cocked. On early aircraft, such as the MiG-21F-13, only one set of hardpoints was provided under each wing. On later aircraft, two sets were provided. A variety of weapons could be carried on these pylons, including rocket launchers, air-to-air missiles, and bombs. Among these were the UB-16 rocket pod capable of carrying up to sixteen S-5 57 mm. rockets, the K-13A NATO-designated Atoll air-to-air missile, the 240 mm. S-24 rocket, various bomb dispensers, napalm bombs, chemical bombs, and conventional bombs such as the 551 lb. (250 kg.) FAB-250. Gun complement for the Ye-2A was three NR-30: for the Ye-4/1 was two NR-30: for the Ye-5 was three NR-30; for the Ye-6/1 was two NR-30; for the Ye-6T was one NR-30 and two K-13; for the Ye-6U was none; for the Ye-7 was two K-13/K-5 and/or GP-9; for the Ye-7SPS was two K-13; for the Ye-33 was none; for the Ye-50 was two NR-30; for the Ye-50/2 (Ye-50A) was two NR-30; and for the MiG-21F was one NR-30 and two K-13; for the MiG-21F-13 was one NR-30 and two K-13; for the MiG-21FL was two K-13 or a GP-9; for the MiG-21M was one GSh-23L and four K-13/K-5; for the MiG-21MF was one GSh-23L and four K-13; for the MIG-21PF was two K-13/K-5 and or GP-9; for the MiG-21PFM was two K-13/K-5; for the MIG-21PFS was two K-13; for the MiG-21R was two K-13; for the MiG-21RF was two K-13; for the MiG-21SMT was one GSh-23L and four K-13; for the MiG-21bis was one GSh-23L and four K-13; for the MiG-21U was none; for the MiG-21UM was none; and for the MiG-21US was none. Late model MiG-21 variants such as the MiG-21PFM can carry an extensive array of air-to-air missiles equipped w/both infrared and radar homing heads. Among the former is the R-3S and among the latter is the RS-2US (also known as the K-5). A ventrally-mounted GP-9 gun pod containing a GSh-23 gun is a weapon option. MiG-21 variants such as the MiG-21bis have a GSh-23L gun permanently mounted under the fuselage in front of the ventral fuel tank pylon. 
Length—Ye-2: 43 ft. 3 in. (13.5 m.); Ye-6T: 44 ft. 7 in. (13.9 m.): Ye-6U: 46 ft. 2 in. (14.41 m.): Ye-7: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82 m); Ye-7SPS: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82); Ye-9: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82 m.): Ye-33: 46 ft. 2 in. (14.41 m.); Ye-50: 43 ft. 3 in. (13.5 m.): Ye-66: 44 ft. 7 in. (13.9 m.); Ye-66A: 44 ft 7 in. (13.9 m.); Ye-76: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82 m): MiG-21DPD: 51 ft. 8 in. (16.1 m): MIG-21F-13: 43 ft. 2 in. (13.46 m); MiG-21FL: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82 m.); MiG-21M: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82 m.); MiG-21MF: 45 ft. 2 In. (14.10 m.): MIG-21PF: 45 ft. 2 in. (14.10 m.); MiG-21PFM: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82 m.); MiG-21PFS: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82 m.); MiG-21R: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82 m.); MiG-21RF: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82 m.); MIG-21SM: 44 ft. 6 in. (13.9 m.); MiG-21SMT: 47 ft. 6 in. (14.82 m.); MiG-21bis: 45 ft. 2 in. (14.10 m.); MiG-21U: 46 ft. 2 in. (14.41 m); MiG-21UM: 46 ft. 2 in. (14.41 m.); MiG-21US: 46 ft. 2 in. (14.41).

Wingspan—Ye-2: 27ft. 3 in. (8.5 m); Ye-2A: 27ft. 3 in. (8.5 m.); Ye-4: 23 ft. 8 in. (7.4 m.): Ye-5: 23 ft. 8 in. (7.4 m.); Ye-6: 23ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); Ye-6T: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); Ye-6U: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); Ye-7: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); Ye-7SPS: 23ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); Ye-9: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); Ye-33: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m); Ye-50: 27 ft. 3 in. (8.5 m); Ye-50A. 27 ft. 3 in. (8.5 m): Ye-60: 27 ft. 3 in. (8.5 m); Ye-66: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.): MiG-21F: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m); MiG-21F-13: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); MIG-21FL: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m); MiG-21M: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); MiG-21MF: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m); MiG-21PF: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.): MiG-21PFM: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); MiG-21PFS: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m); MiG-21R: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); MIG-21RF (w/EW Up pods): 23 ft. 7 in. (7.35 m.); MiG-21SMT: 23 ft. 0 In. (7.154 m.); MIG-21bis: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); MiG-21U: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m): MiG-21UM: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.); MiG-21 US: 23 ft. 0 in. (7.154 m.).

Wing area—Ye-2: 229.25 ft.2 (21.3 m.2); Ye-2A: 229.25 ft.2 (21.3 m.2); Ye-4: 248.6 ft.2 (23.1 m.2); Ye-5: 248.6 ft.2 (23.1 m.2); Ye-6 (w/sq. tips): 247.5 ft.2 (23.0 m.2); Ye-6T: 247.5 ft.2 (23 m.2); Ye-7: 248 ft.2 (23.04 ft2); Ye-7SPS: 248 ft.2 (23.04 m.2); Ye-9: 248 ft.2 (23.04 ft.2): Ye-33: 247.5 ft.2 (23 m.2); Ye-50: 229.25 ft.2 (21.3 m.2); Ye-50A: (21.3 m.2); Ye-60: 229.25 ft.2 (21.3 m.2); Ye-66: 247.5 ft.2 (23 m.2); MiG-21F: 247.5 ft.2 (23 m.2); MIG-21F-13: 247.5 ft.2 (23 m.2): MiG-21FL: 248 ft.2 (23.04 m.2); MiG-21M: 248 ft.2 (23.04 m.2); MIG-21MF: 248 ft.2 (23.04 m.2); MIG-21PF: 248 ft.2 (23.04 ft.2); MIG-21PFM: 248 ft.2 (23.04 m.2); MiG-21PFS: 248 ft.2 (23.04 m.2); MiG-21R: 248 ft.2 (23.04 m.2); MiG-21RF (w/EW tip pods): 248 ft.2 (23.04 m.2); MiG-21SMT: 248 ft.2 (23.04 m.2); MIG-21bis: 248 ft.2 (23.04 m.2).

Helght-MiG-21F-13: 13 ft. 2 in. (4.10 m.): MiG-21PF: 13 ft. 2 in. (4.125 m.); MiG-21MF: 13 ft. 2 in. (4.125 m.); MiG-21bis: 13 ft. 2 in. (4.125 m.)

Empty weight—Ye-2: unknown; Ye-2A: unknown; Ye-4: unknown; Ye-5: unknown; Ye-6: 10.847 lb. (4,920 kg.); Ye-6T: 10,979 lb. (4,980 kg.); Ye-6U: unknown; Ye-7: 11,420 lb. (5,180 kg.); Ye-9: 12,346 lb. (5,600 kg.); MIG-21F (early series): 10.739 lb. (4.871 kg); MiG-21F-13 (late series): 10,979 lb. (4,980 kg.): MIG-21M: 12.346 lb. (5.600 kg.); MiG-21MF: 12.447 lb. (5,646 kg.); MiG-21PF: 11,587 lb. (5.256 kg); MiG-21PFM: 11.420 lb.(5.180kg); MIG-21RF: 12.566 lb. (5.700 kg.); MiG-21SMT: 12.566 lb. (5,700 kg.); MiG-21bis: 12,881 lb. (5.843 kg.); MiG-21U: unknown.

Gross weight—Ye-2: 13.228 lb. approx. (6.000 kg. approx.); Ye-2A: 13.779 lb. approx. (6.250 kg. approx.): Ye-4: 13,669lb. (6,200kg); Ye-5: 13,779lb. (6.250kg); Ye-6: 16.865 lb. (7.650 kg.); Ye-6T: 18.078lb. (8,200kg); Ye-6U: unknown: Ye-7: 20,503 lb. (9,300 kg.); Ye-9: 20,723 lb. (9,400 kg.); Ye-50/2 (Ye-50A): 18.298 lb. (8.300 kg.); MIG-21F (early series): 18,488 lb. (8.386 kg); MiG-21F-13 (late series—w/two FAB-500 and aux. tank): 19.080 lb. (8.655 kg.); MIG-21M: 20,723 lb. (9,400 kg.); MiG-21MF: 21,091 lb. (9.567 kg.); MiG-21PF (w/two FAB-500): 19.076 lb. (8.653 kg.); MiG-21PFM clean: 17,086 lb. (7,750 kg.); MIG-21PF w/two K-13 and two aux. fuel tanks: 20,018 lb. (9.080 kg.); MiG-21RF: 21,605 lb. (9.800 kg); MiG-21SMT: 22.266 lb. (10.100 kg); MIG-21bis: 23,082 lb. (10.470 kg.); MIG-21U: 18.430 lb. (8,360 kg.).

Avg. combat th. to weight—MiG-21F: .093: MiG-21F-13: .093; MIG-21PF: .086; MIG-21PFM: .086; MiG-21M: .90; MiG-21R: .90; MiG-21bis: .90.

Instantaneous turn capability—MiG-21F: 22o to 24o/sec.; MIG-21F-13: 22o to 24o/sec; MIG-21PF: 20o to 22o/sec.; MiG-21PFM: 20o to 22o/sec; MiG-21M: 22o to 22o/sec.; MiG-21R: 22o to 22o/sec; MiG-21bis: 20o to 22o/sec.

Sustained turn capability—MiG-21F: 10o to 12o/sec.; MiG-21F-13: 10o to 12o/sec.; MiG-21PF: 8o to 10o/sec.; MiG-21PFM: 8o to 10o/sec.; MIG-21M: 10o to 12o/sec; MiG-21R: 10o to 12o/sec.; MiG-21bis: 10o to 12o/sec.

Max. speed @ s.l.—MIG-21F-13: 684 mph (1.100 km/h); MiG-21MF: 746 mph (1,200 km/h); MiG-21PF: 684 mph (1,100 km/h); MiG-21bis: 808 mph (1.300 km/h); MiG-21U: 684 mph (1.100 km/h).

Max. speed—Ye-2A: 1,180 mph (1,900 km/h); Ye-4/1: 805 mph (1,296 km/h); Ye-5: 1,243 mph (2,000 km/h); Ye-6/1: 1,320 mph (2,125 km/h); Ye-6U: 1.351 mph (2.175 km/h). Ye-7: 1.351 mph (2.175 km/h); Ye-50/2: 1.528 mph (2.460 km/h); MiG-21F-13 (at 40,104 ft. [12,500 m.]): 1.320 mph (2.125 km/h); MiG-21MF (at 40.104 ft. [12.500 m.]: 1,351 mph (2.175 km/h); MIG-21PF (at 40.104 ft. [12,500 m.]): 1,351 mph (2.175 km/h); MiG-21PFM: 1.351 mph (2,175 km/h); MIG-21bis (at 40,104 ft. [12.500 m.]): 1,351 mph (2.175 km/h); MIG-21U: (at 40.104 ft. [12.500 m.]): 1.351 mph (2,175 km/h).

 Rate of climb—Ye-2A: 1 min. 18 sec. to 32.083 ft. (10,000 m.); Ye-4/1: 1 min. 36 sec. to 16.042 ft. (5,000 m.); Ye-5: 3 min. 24 sec. to 48.125 ft. (15,000 m.); Ye-6/1: 1 min. 12 sec. to 32,083 ft. (10,000 m.); Ye-6U: 6 min. 0 sec. to 32,083 ft. (10.000 m.); Ye-7: 11 min. 24 sec. to 60.958 ft. (19.000 m.): Ye-50/2: 9 min. 24 sec. to 64.166 ft. (20.000m.): MIG-21F-13 (clean): 2 min. 0 sec. to 16,042 ft. (5.000 m.): MiG-21F-13 (w/two K-13): 3 min. 12 sec. to 32.083 ft. (10.000 m.); MiG-21F-13 (w/two K-13): 5 min. 30 sec. to 48,125 ft. (15,000 m); MiG-21F-13 (w/two K-13 and aux. tanks): 13 min. 30 sec. to 60,958 ft. (19,000 m.); MiG-21PF (w/two K-13): 1 min. 48 sec. to 16,042 ft. (5.000 m.); MiG-21PF (w/two K-13): 2 min. 42 sec. to 32.083 ft. (10,000 m.); MiG-21PF (w/two K-13): 5 min. 48 sec. to 48,125 ft. (15.000 m.); MiG-21PFM (w/two K-13. aux. tanks, and a-b): 11 min. 24 sec. to 60.958 ft. (19,000 m).

Service celllng Ye-2A: 57,749 ft. (18.000 m.): Ye-4/1: 52.616 ft. (16,400 m.); Ye-5: 57.749 ft. (18.000 m.); Ye-6U: 61,279 ft. (19,100 m.); Ye-7: 60.958 ft. (19.000 m): Ye-50/2: 82.132 ft. (25.600 m.); MiG-21F-13 (w/two K-13; at Mach 1.75 to 1.85): 60,958 ft. (19.000 m.); MiG-21MF (w/two K-13): 57,750 ft. (18,000 m.); MiG-21PF (w/two K-13; at Mach 1.75 to 1.85): 60.958 ft. (19,000 m.); MiG-21PFM: 60.958 ft. (19,000 m.); MiG-21bis (w/two K-13): 56,146 ft. (17.500 m.).

Max. range— Ye-2A: 1.243 mi. (2,000 km.); Ye-4/1: 696 mi. (1.120 km/h); Ye-5: 870 mi. (1.400 km): Ye-6/1: 1.125 mi. (1,810 km.); Ye-6U: 888 mi. (1,430 km.); Ye-7: 963 mi. (1,550 km.); Ye-50/2: 280 mi. (450 km.); MiG-21F-13 (w/o aux. tanks): 870 mi. (1.400 km.); MiG-21F-13 (w/aux. tanks): 1.038 mi. (1.670 km.); MiG-21MF (w/o aux. tanks): 746 mi. (1,200 km.): MiG-21MF (w/aux. tanks): 1,118 mi. (1.800 km.): MiG-21PF (w/o aux. tanks): 963 mi. (1,550 km.); MiG-21PF (w/aux. tanks); 1.150 mi. (1.850 km.); MiG-21PFM (w/o aux. tanks): 851mi.(1.370 km.); MiG-21PFM (w/aux. tanks): 1.044 mi. (1.680 km.); MiG-21bis (w/o aux. tanks): 1.181 mi. (1,900 km.); MiG-21U (w/o aux. tanks): 668 mi. (1.075 km.): MiG-21U (w/aux. tanks): 826 mi. (1,330 km.).

Notes—Overall length of the MiG-21F-13 fuselage (w/o tailplane, intake spike, and pitot boom) is 43 ft. 3 in. (13.46 m.); fuselage dia. is 4 ft. 0 in. (1.242 m.); maximum cross-sectional area is 13.78 ft2 (1.28 m.2). MiG-21F-13 land. speed was 162 mph to 168 mph (260 km/h to 270 km/h). MiG-21PFM takeoff distance w/o SPRD-99 RATO is 2,727 ft. to 4,331 ft. (850 m. to 1.350 m.); MiG-21PFM takeoff distance w/SPRD-99 RATO is 834 ft. to 1.380 ft. (260 m. to 430 m.). MiG-21PFM landing distance w/wheel braking is 3,529 It. to 4,010 ft. (1.100 m. to 1,250 m); MiG-21PFM landing distance w/wheel braking and drag chute is 2.727 ft. to 3.048 ft. (850 m. to 950 m.); MIG-21PFM landing distance w/wheel braking, drag chute, and use ol SPS is 1,347 ft. to 1.604 ft. (420 m. to 500 m.). MiG-21PFM end. w/o aux. tank is 1 hr. 47 min.; MiG-21PFM end. w/aux. tanks is 2 hr. 9 min. Visible differences between first and second generation aircraft (late) include repositioning of the PVD-7 pitot boom; adding a rearview mirror in many aircraft to the top of the canopy; adding the fuel tank behind the canopy; increasing the vertical fin area; two more wing pylons have been added, and the landing gear tire pressures have been increased. Additionally, the no.1 fuel tank has been removed behind the cockpit but the size of the no.7 fuel tank has been increased somewhat to compensate. As a consequence of the latter, there has been a change in fueling procedures and in fuel tank purging. Fuel tanks can be carried not only on the ventral fuselage pylon, but also on the two inboard wing pylons. Fit. endurance w/o aux. tanks was as follows— MiG-21F-13: 1 hr. 43 min.; MiG-21PF: 1 hr. 57 min.; MiG-21U: 1 hr. 23 min. Fit. endurance w/aux. tanks was as follows— MiG-21F-13: 2 hr. 3 min.; MiG-21PF: 2 hr. 23 min.; MiG-21U: 1 hr. 40 min. Max. rate of climb for the MiG-21F-13 at s.l. is 417 ft./sec. to 449 ft./sec. (130 m./sec. to 140 m./sec). Max. rate of climb for the MIG-21PF is 417 ft./sec. to 481 ft./sec. (130 m./sec. to 150 m./sec). G-limit for the MiG-21F-13 and MiG-21PF is 7. Takeoff speed for the MiG-21F-13 is 196 mph to 205 mph (315 km/h to 330 km/h); takeoff speed for the MiG-21PF is 190 mph to 199 mph (305 km/h to 320 km/h); takeoff speed for the MiG-21MF is 199 mph (320 km/h). Takeoff run (w/a-b) for the MIG-21F-13 is 2,502 ft. to 2,599 ft. (780 m. to 810 m.); takeoff run (w/a-b) for the MiG-21PF is 2.567 ft. (800 m.); takeoff run (w/min. a-b) for the MiG-21PFM is 2.727 ft. to 4,331 ft. (850 m. to 1,350 m.); takeoff run (w/a-b and SPRD-99 RATO) is 1.155 ft. to 1.380 ft. (360 m. to 430 m.); takeoff run (w/a-b) for the MiG-21MF is 2,887 ft. (900 m.) or 311 ft. (500m.)w/RATO. Landing speed for the MIG-21F-13 is 162 mph to 168 mph (260 km/h to 270 km/h); landing speed for the MiG-21PF is 165 mph to 180 mph (265 km/h to 290 km/h); landing speed for the MiG-21MF is 168 mph (270 km/h); landing speed for the MIG-21bis is 168 mph (270 km/h). Landing run w/o drag chute for the MiG-21F-13 is 3.850 ft. to 4.171 ft. (1.200 m. to 1.300 m.); landing run for the MiG-21MF w/o drag chute is 3,048 ft. (950 m.); landing run for the MiG-21 PF w/o drag chute is 3.208 ft. to 4,171 ft. (1.000 m. to 1,300 m.); landing run for the MiG-21PFM w/o drag chute or SPS is 3.529 ft. to 4,010 ft. (1.100 m. to t,250 m.); landing run for the MiG-21bis w/o drag chute is 4.010 ft. (1,250 m.). Landing run for the MiG-21F-13 w/drag chute is 2.887 ft. (900 m.); landing run for the MIG-21PF w/drag chute is 2.567 ft. to 2.887 ft. (800 m. to 900 m.); landing run for the MiG-21PFM w/drag chute is 2.727 ft. to 3.048 ft. (850 m. to 950 m.); landing run of the MiG-21MF w/drag chute is 1,765 ft. (550 m.); landing run of the MiG-21bis w/drag chute is 2,085 ft. (650 m.). Landing run of the MiG-21PFM w/drag chute and SPS is 1,347 ft. to 1,604 ft. (420 m. to 500 m.). KB missile thought to have been developed from MiG-21 family also known as K-20 or SM-20. No technical data available.