Main Nagoya facility (previously known as Komaki North) was divided in 1989 into Aerospace Systems Works and Guidance & Propulsion Systems Works; former has 346,000 m² (3,724,300 sq ft) of floor space on a 67.3 ha (166.3 acre) site and had a January 2003 workforce of 3,902; latter occupies a 140.4 ha (346.9 acre) site with 84,530 m² (909,900 sq ft) of covered space and has approximately 1,700 employees. Oye plant manufactures aircraft fuselage components, spacecraft parts and other aero-related equipment; Tobishima plant responsible for aircraft fuselage subassembly, plus assembly and check-out of space systems; fuselage subassembly, final assembly, outfitting, flight test and repair undertaken by Komaki South plant.
Mitsubishi developed the MU-2 utility aircraft, Mu-300 business jet and F-2 support fighter, and is currently prime contractor for the F-2 and (Sikorsky) SH/UH-60J helicopter series; MH2000 helicopter restored to development flight test status in 2002. Company was also prime contractor for the T-2 supersonic trainer, F-4EJ Phantom II, F-1 close support aircraft and F-15J/DJ for the JASDF, with Fuji, Kawasaki, Nippi and ShinMaywa as principal subcontractors.
Subcontract work includes participation in programmes for the Airbus A380 (cargo doors); Boeing 737/747 (flaps); Boeing 767/777 (fuselage panels and doors); Bombardier Global Express and Challenger 300 (wings); and components for the PW4000 turbofan engine.

Additional Info

  • Address: Aerospace Administration Department, 5-1 Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8315, Japan
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