PT DIRGANTARA INDONESIA (Indonesian Aerospace)

Originally formed by Indonesian government as PT Industri Pesawat Terbang Nurtanio (Nurtanio Aircraft Industry Ltd) 23 August 1976 to centralise all aerospace facilities in one company; renamed PT Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara (IPTN) in late 1985. Company restructured in January 2000, with PT Bahana Pengelola Industri Strategis as major shareholder, becoming limited liability company with nine strategic business units, six (now four) profit centres, four resource centres and six subsidiaries/corporate functions. New name PT Dirgantara Indonesia (internationally, Indonesian Aerospace, or IAe) inaugurated 24 August 2000 (start of company's 25th year of existence). Workforce in May 2001 was about 10,000, including 2,500 engineers and 5,000 technicians and operators, compared with some 15,500 in 1998; it had further reduced to 9,500 by early 2002. Site area is 79.3 ha (196 acres) including 600,000 m² (6,458,350 sq ft) covered area.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) bail-out of Indonesia's collapsed economy, beginning in 1997, demanded immediate suspension of further state funding for N-250 and N-2130 programmes. Despite this, N-250 was then expected to survive; alternative support for N-2130 being sought, but no new partners for either venture by early 2003. Further estimated investment of US$90 million said to be needed for N-250; N-2130 programme now moribund.
Manufacturing SBU co-manufactures CN-235 Series 200/220, produces C-212 Series 200 under licence from CASA of Spain, and was responsible for indigenous N-250 and N-2130 regional airliners. Two CN-235s delivered to South Korea in December 2001 and six more due to follow by October 2002; Pakistan Air Force has ordered four and Royal Malaysian Air Force two. Agreement 19 June 1991 with BAE Systems to collaborate on production and assembly of Hawks for Indonesian Air Force, although all were assembled in UK with Indonesia receiving offset work. Co-development and manufacturing agreement with AeroCourier Group signed 27 February 2002, apparently as renewed attempt to gain FAA certification of N-250.
Helicopter SBU is responsible for licensed production of Eurocopter BO 105 and Super Puma (as NBO-105 and NAS-332 respectively), and Bell 412 (as NBell-412). Deliveries resumed in late 1999; dedicated Eurocopter maintenance centre for NBO-105. NAS-332 and EC 120 officially opened 2 October 2002. Agreement with Bell, June 1996, to include Bell 407 and 430, has lapsed.
Weapon Systems SBU in Menang Tasikmalaya, West Java (plus smaller plant at Batu Poron, Madura), develops and produces weaponry for military aircraft.
Aerospace Systems SBU main business comprises satellite ground systems and components, application technology, offset and satellite engineering services.
Subcontract work includes production of components for Boeing 737 and 767 and Lockheed Martin F-16. Company's 1,400 m² (15,070 sq ft) gas-turbine maintenance centre can maintain, overhaul and repair Rolls-Royce 250, P&W JT8D, P&WC PT6T-3/3, R-R Dart RDa.7. Honeywell LTS101 and TPE331 and General Electric CT7 engines, plus some components of Allison T56 and R-R Tay.
Indonesian government plans to begin privatising Dirgantara by the end of 2003, possibly by self-off of individual subsidiaries.
In 2001, Dirgantara was contracted by the AeroCourier Group of Minneapolis, USA, to undertake wing and fuselage design and manufacture of the latter's single-turboprop utility aircraft.

Additional Info

  • Address: Jl. Pajajaran no. 154 Bandung 40174, Indonesia
  • Tel: (+62 22) 605 41 67 and 605 41 65
  • Fax: (+62 22) 605 41 85
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