Australian Capt. Edgar W. Percival, purchaser of Hendy 302, was struck by impact of this modern monoplane and got R.H. Bound to design Gull 3-seater, 130-hp Cirrus Hermes, built by Parnall at Yate (3 July 1932). Percival and Lt.-Cdr. E.W.B. Leake formed Percival Aircraft Co., 20 Grosvenor Place, London. Further Gulls made (24 at Yate in 1933), but June 1934 Percival’s own factory opened at Gravesend airport, with A.A. Bage as designer. Immediate production of Gulls with various engines was interspersed 1935 with 6 Mew Gull racers and, from December 1935, 4-seat Vega Gull. Company restructured as Percival Aircraft Ltd and moved to larger factory at Luton October-November 1936. There built Q.6 twin, Proctor (wartime production 1,117, many by F. Hills & Sons), Prentice trainer (432), twin-engined Merganser prototype and Prince (24) leading to Sea Prince and Pembroke (187) and Provost (461). Percival became part of Hunting Group 1944, and name was changed 1954 to Hunting Percival Aircraft, founder immediately leaving to form his own company.

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