Société Aéronautique Normande established by Lucien Querey 1948 at Bernay, flying prototype SAN.101 high-wing 2-seater a year later. Then concentrated on Jodel designs, Delemontez joining as chief engineer: built 250 D.117 Grand Tourisme 1953-8, followed by D.140 Mousquetaire 4/5-seat version (4 July 1958). D.117 replaced 1958 by DR.100 (later DR.1050) Ambassadeur, later joined by D.150 (in 1963 named Mascaret). Final designs were D.140C Mousquetaire III and 140R Abeille, D.1052 Excellence and 6-seat D.160. Despite good sales, liquidation 1969, factory passing to Mudry.