CAP Aviation (known as Akrotech Europe until January 1999) is owned by holding company Apex International (formerly known as Aéronautique Service - AES), also responsible for the Robin and BUL concerns. It formed in 1997, initially to market the Giles G-202 two-seat aerobatic aircraft, subsequently marketed in factory-completed form as the CAP 222.
Apex took over production of the Mudry series of aerobatic aircraft on 12 May 1997 following that company's bankruptcy. All aerobatic aircraft produced by Apex are marketed by CAP Aviation: the CAP 232 built at Bernay and CAP 10 and CAP 222 at Darois.
CAP Aviation's parent company, Apex International, entered voluntary receivership on 10 September 2002, pending a restructuring of its finances.

Additional Info

  • Address: 9 rue de l'Aviation, F-21121 Dijon-Darois, France
  • Tel: (+33 3) 80 35 65 10
  • Fax: (+33 3) 80 35 65 15
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