The former Extra Flugzeugbau GmbH, founded by Walter Extra, was forced to curtail activities in early 2003 as a consequence of insolvency. By mid-2003 the company had been restructured under US ownership as Extra Aircraft LLC. Research, development and manufacturing activities will remain in Germany, with establishment of a US completions centre under consideration after 2004.

Contact Details

Address: 1935 Fruitville Pike, #104, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601, US
Tel: (+1 717) 394 97 97
Fax: (+1 717) 394 51 06
Website: www.extraaircraft.com

Factory and European Headquarters

Address: Extra GmbH, Flugplatz Dinslaken, Schwarze Heide 21, D-46569, Hünxe, Germany
Tel: (+49 2858) 913 70
Fax: (+49 2858) 91 37 30

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