TeST s.r.o

Company was established 1992 to design, develop and produce ultralight sailplanes, powered sailplanes and aircraft; first product was TST-1 Alpin sailplane. Capacity increased to 10 aircraft per year in 1995 and 40 per year from September 1998. Developed versions of Alpin (TST-3 and TST-8), available in both sailplane and motor glider variants) still form core of production, along with TST-5, TST-6 and TST-9 described in the following entries; all are available in plans-only, various kits or full flyaway form. Workforce was 15 in 2001.
In October 2002, a further sailplane - the TST-10 - was added to the product line, and the company announced that it had started development of the TST-12, a two-seat, low-wing, tailwheel ultralight.

Additional Info

  • Tel: (+420 73) 116 89 51
  • E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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