Design office and factory 'Let' established Kunovice 1950, taking over programmes of Ceskoslovenske Zavody Automobilove A Letecke, initially to produce C-11 (Yak-11), and later L-40 Meta-Sokol, M1 Sokol, M2 Skaut, Super Aero and Aero 145. Produced from scratch Z-37 Cmelák/Sparka ag-aircraft (29 March 1963), L-200 Morava light twin (8 April 1957), L-410 Turbolet airliner (16 April 1969, 1,222 delivered) and L-610 airliner (28 December 1988, certificated 1992). Original title Letecky Narodny Podnik, later Let Koncernovy Podnik, Bohemia-Moravia (Czech republic). See LZ.

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