A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z

  • s Second(s).
  • SA Société Anonyme (France, Romania), Sociedad Anónima (Brazil, Spain) or Spółka Akeyjna (Poland) (company constitution).
  • safe-life A term denoting that a component has proved by testing that it can be expected to continue to function safely for a precisely defined period before replacement.
  • SAM Surface-to-air missile.
  • SAR (1) Search and rescue; (2) synthetic aperture radar.
  • SAS Stability augmentation system.
  • satcom Satellite communications.
  • sawtooth Same as dog-tooth.
  • Sdn Bhd Sendirian Berhad (Malaysian company constitution).
  • SEAD Suppression of enemy air defence(s).
  • semi-active Homing on to radiation reflected from target illuminated by radar or laser energy beamed from elsewhere (for example, from launch aircraft).
  • sensitive altimeter Altitude indicator of mechanical type, having acute sensitivity.
  • service ceiling Usually height equivalent to air density at which maximum attainable rate of climb is 100 ft/min.
  • servo A device which acts as a relay, usually augmenting the pilot's efforts to move a control surface, or the like.
  • sfc Specific fuel consumption (which see).
  • shaft Connection between gas-turbine and compressor or other driven unit. Two-shaft engine has second shaft, rotating at different speed, surrounding the first (thus, HP surrounds inner LP or fanshaft).
  • shipment One item or consignment delivered (by any means of transport) to customer.
  • shp Shaft horsepower, measure of power transmitted via rotating shaft.
  • shroud Many meanings, including: (1) a fixed circular duct surrounding a fan or propfan; (2) a ring formed by lateral projections on a rotor (for example fan) blade (part-span or at the tip); (3) a portion of a wing or other fixed aerofoil projecting aft over the leading-edge of a hinged or otherwise movable surface such as a flap, aileron or elevator.
  • sideline noise EPNdB measure of aircraft landing and taking off, at point 0.25 n mile (2- or 3-engined) or 0.35 n mile (4-engined) from runway centreline.
  • sidestick Control column in the form of a short handgrip beside the pilot.
  • sigint Signals intelligence.
  • signature Characteristic 'fingerprint' of all acoustic or electromagnetic radiation (radar, IR, and so on).
  • single-aisle Passenger cabin has seats on each side of a single aisle along or near the centre.
  • single-shaft Gas-turbine in which all compressors and turbines are fixed to common shaft.
  • S/L Sea level.
  • SLAR Side-looking airborne radar.
  • slat Auxiliary curved or mini-aerofoil surface designed to prevent flow breakaway from a wing or tail. On a tail leading-edge it may be fixed, leaving a narrow slot. On a wing it is almost always retractable normally flush with the wing profile but extended (under power or by aerodynamic lift) to leave a narrow slot for take-off, low-speed loiter or landing.
  • slot, slotted See slat.
  • snap-down Air-to-air interception of low-flying aircraft by AAM fired from fighter at a higher altitude.
  • SONAR, sonar Sound navigation and ranging.
  • SpA Società per Azioni (Italian company constitution).
  • specific fuel consumption Rate at which fuel is consumed divided by power or thrust developed, and thus a measure of engine efficiency. For jet engines (air-breathing, not rockets) unit is mg/Ns, milligrams per Newton-second; for shaft engines unit is μg/J, micrograms (millionths of a gram) per Joule (SI unit of work or energy).
  • spoiler Plank-like surface normally recessed into top of wing, hinged up under power to reduce (spoil) lift and increase drag. Used asymmetrically for lateral control.
  • spoileron Small spoiler augmenting ailerons.
  • sportplane Light aircraft design in which performance takes precedence over utility.
  • Sp. z o.o Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością (Polish company constitution).
  • Srl Società Responsabilità Limitata (Italian company constitution).
  • SSB Single-sideband (radio).
  • SSR Secondary surveillance radar.
  • SST Supersonic transport.
  • st Static thrust.
  • stabilator One-piece, all-moving horizontal tail, combining functions of horizontal stabiliser and elevator.
  • stabilizer Tailplane (US); vertical stabilizer = fin.
  • stall Sudden near-total loss of lift of a wing because AoA has exceeded a critical value.
  • stall strips Sharp-edged strips on wing leading-edge to induce stall to initiate at that point.
  • stalling speed Airspeed at which aircraft stalls at 1g.
  • starboard Right side, looking forward.
  • static inverter Solid-state (not rotary machine) inverter of alternating wave-form to produce DC from AC.
  • STC Supplementary Type Certificate.
  • stealth See low-observables.
  • stick-pusher Stall-protection device that forces pilot's control column forward as stalling angle of attack is neared.
  • stick-shaker Stall-warning device that noisily shakes pilot's control column as stalling angle of attack is neared.
  • STOL Short take-off and landing. (Several definitions, stipulating allowable horizontal distance to clear screen height of 35 or 50 ft or various SI measures.)
  • store Object carried as part of payload on external attachment (for example bomb, drop tank).
  • STOVL Short take-off, vertical landing.
  • strobe light High-intensity flashing beacon.
  • supercritical wing Wing of relatively deep, flat-topped profile generating lift right across upper surface instead of concentrated close behind leading-edge.
  • sweepback Backwards inclination of wing or other aerofoil, seen from above, measured relative to fuselage or other reference axis, usually measured at quarterchord (25 per cent) or at leading-edge.