- N Newton, SI unit force, = 0.22480455 lb force.
- NACES Navy aircrew common ejection seat (US).
- NAS Naval Air Station (US).
- NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US).
- NASC Naval Air Systems Command (also several other aerospace meanings) (US).
- NATC Naval Air Training Command of Test Center (also several other aerospace meanings) (US).
- NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
- nav/com Navigation and communications receiver.
- NBAA National Business Aircraft Association (US).
- NBC Nuclear, biological, chemical (warfare).
- NDT Non-destructive testing.
- Newton See N.
- NFO Naval flight officer; seconf crew member in US Navy aircraft; compare WSO.
- Ni/Cd Nickel/cadmium.
- Nib Forward-pointing extension at inner end of fixed glove on VG aircraft or leading-edge root extension on light aircraft.
- n mile nautical mile, 1.852 km, 1.15078 miles.
- NOE Nap-of-the-Earth (low flying in military aircraft, using natural cover of hills, trees and so on).
- NV Naamloze Vennootschap (Belgian/Netherlands company constitution).
- NVG Night vision goggles.
- NVS Noise vibration suppression.